December 5, 2025
5:30pm - 8pm
The City of Atascadero is excited to start the holiday season on December 5th with our annual Light up the Downtown & Holiday Sip & Shop!
The event begins at 5:30 in the Sunken Gardens and continues throughout Downtown Atascadero with the Holiday Sip & Shop!
Enjoy an evening with the official lighting and kick-off of the 2nd Annual "Garden Lights & Winter Nights" PLUS community entertainment, Santa, complimentary Model-A Firetruck & Hay Rides, hot chocolate, and more! Shops will be open late and wine and beer tastings will be available from participating merchants. A great way to enjoy shopping and strolling Downtown along with the festivities of the season!
For Sip & Shop ticket information, go to www.atascaderochamber.org or call (805) 466-2044.